Jalog Sudoku Example

Sudoku solver example written in Jalog and Java

This example demonstrates how to use Jalog and Java language together. In this example a Sudoku solving algorithm is implemented using Jalog. Java is used to specify the Sudoku problem and to display the solution.


Mikko Levanto, Ari Okkonen


This example is mainly intended for developers. In order to develop the calling Java program you need the Java SDK from Java SE Downloads. In order to build and execute this demo you need:
  1. Jalog engine
  2. Main Java program
  3. Sudoku solver program

It is simplest to download these to the same folder.


Use command:
    javac -cp jalog.jar SolveSudoku.java
This sould create SolveSudoku.class.


Use command:
    java -cp "jalog.jar;." SolveSudoku
This should display something like
    SolveSudoku 0.1 by Ari Okkonen & Mikko Levanto 2019-09-17
    | 8     |   2   |   3   |
    | 9   4 | 6     |   1 2 |
    |   5   |   7 1 |     6 |
    |       |       |   7   |
    | 6   2 |   3   |   8   |
    | 4 8   |   1 9 |   6 5 |
    |   6 8 | 7 5   | 9 4   |
    | 1 2   |     4 | 7     |
    |       | 1   8 | 6     |
    | 8 1 6 | 9 2 5 | 4 3 7 |
    | 9 7 4 | 6 8 3 | 5 1 2 |
    | 2 5 3 | 4 7 1 | 8 9 6 |
    | 5 3 1 | 8 4 6 | 2 7 9 |
    | 6 9 2 | 5 3 7 | 1 8 4 |
    | 4 8 7 | 2 1 9 | 3 6 5 |
    | 3 6 8 | 7 5 2 | 9 4 1 |
    | 1 2 9 | 3 6 4 | 7 5 8 |
    | 7 4 5 | 1 9 8 | 6 2 3 |


The Java part is in the file SolveSudoku.java. The Jalog part is in the file sudoku_solver_component.pro.

Java part

The inference engine is initialized to the object variable myJalog. The main method loads the Jalog program, prints the problem, solves the problem using Jalog code, and prints the result. Finally the Jalog program is purged from memory. The method print_sudoku formats the Sudoku data to display.

Preparation of the problem

The method solve_sudoku converts the problem data to Jalog.Term data structure suitable for processing by Jalog. In nested loops the the two dimensional Java array of integers is converted to a Jalog list of lists of integers. Each Jalog integer is created with the Jalog.integer method. The Jalog.open method is used to create empty positions that are later filled by the solution algorithm. The lists are created using the Jalog.list method. The prepared problem is in the variable board.
    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
        value = sudoku_problem[i][j];
        if(value == 0) {
          line[j] = Jalog.open();
        } else {
          line[j] = Jalog.integer(sudoku_problem[i][j]);
      matrix[i] = Jalog.list(line);
    board = Jalog.list(matrix);

Finding the solution

The solution algorithm is called as a condition of an if statement. In addition the if-structure is surrounded a try-catch structure. The reason is that an execution of Jalog code can result success, failure, or an exception. In case of success the call method returns true. In case of failure the call method returns false. In case of exception the call method throws Jalog.Exit.
    try {
      if (myJalog.call("sudoku", board))
        Getting the solution
      } else { // fail
        Report solution not found
    } catch (Jalog.Exit e) {
      Report exception
The call of the solution algorithm in the if clause. The call method of the instantiated engine is called with the predicate name sudoku and the prepared parameter board.

Getting the solution

In the true branch of the if statement the result is transferred from board to Java variable sudoku_solution in nested loops. The lists are converted to Java arrays using getElements method. The type of elements is checked using getType method. Integers are converted to Java long values using the getIntegerValue method and then typecasted to int.
        matrix = board.getElements();
        for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
          line = matrix[i].getElements();
          for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
            element = line[j];
            if (element.getType() == Jalog.INTEGER) {
              sudoku_solution[i][j] = (int)element.getIntegerValue();
            } else {
              sudoku_solution[i][j] = 0; // error in algorithm
If the solution contains zeros, there is an apparent error in the algorithm.

Report solution not found

This is executed, if no solution is found. This is indicated by copying the unsolved problem to the solution variable.
        for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
          for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
            sudoku_solution[i][j] = sudoku_problem[i][j];

Report exception

This is executed, if an exception is encountered. This is indicated by filling the solution variable with zeros.
      for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
          sudoku_solution[i][j] = 0;

Jalog part

The main predicate sudoku is called from Java code. The actual parameter board is received to the formal paremeter rows.

The diagram below shows the calling hiearchy of the predicates. In addition some predicates are recursive.

matrix_all_bound list_all_bound pick_one len sudoku make_links make_link max bound_member find_choices find_rest_choices element_at sub_square_index sub_square_elem_index solve solve_1 make_open_matrix make_open_list

Jalog source code

  make_links(Rows, Cols, SubSquares),
  solve(Rows, Cols, SubSquares, 1, 1, 1, 0).
make_open_matrix([],0,_) :- 

make_open_matrix([List|Matrix], NRow, NCol) :-
  make_open_list(List, NCol),
  N1Row = NRow - 1,
  make_open_matrix(Matrix, N1Row, NCol).
make_open_list([],0) :-  

make_open_list([_Item|List], NCol) :-
  N1Col = NCol - 1,
/* Find the index within the sub-square for element IRow, ICol */

sub_square_elem_index(IRow, ICol, ISSE) :-
  ISSE = 1 + ((IRow - 1) mod 3) * 3 + (ICol - 1) mod 3 . 
solve(Rows, _Cols, _SubSquares, 10, _ICol, _IChoices, 0) :-
  !. % Solution found!
solve(_Rows, _Cols, _SubSquares, 10, _ICol, _IChoices, 0) :-

solve(_Rows, _Cols, _SubSquares, 10, _ICol, IChoices, IChoices) :-
  !, % No solution for this branch

solve(Rows, Cols, SubSquares, IRow, _ICol, IChoices, Max) :-
  IRow > 9,
  IChoices_1 = IChoices + 1,
  solve(Rows, Cols, SubSquares, 1, 1, IChoices_1, Max).

solve(Rows, Cols, SubSquares, IRow, ICol, IChoices, Max) :-
  ICol > 9,
  IRow_1 = IRow + 1,
  solve(Rows, Cols, SubSquares, IRow_1, 1, IChoices, Max).
solve(Rows, Cols, SubSquares, IRow, ICol, IChoices, Max) :-
  element_at(Rows, IRow, Row),
  element_at(Row, ICol, ThisElement),
  element_at(Cols, ICol, Col),
  sub_square_index(IRow, ICol, ISubSquare),
  element_at(SubSquares, ISubSquare, SubSquare),
  find_choices(Row, Col, SubSquare, Choices),
  len(Choices, IChoicesActual),
  solve_1(Rows, Cols, SubSquares, IRow, ICol, IChoices, Max, Choices, IChoicesActual, ThisElement).

solve(Rows, Cols, SubSquares, IRow, ICol, IChoices, Max) :-
  ICol_1 = ICol + 1,
  solve(Rows, Cols, SubSquares, IRow, ICol_1, IChoices, Max).
/* Solve ThisElement */

solve_1(Rows, Cols, SubSquares, _IRow, _ICol, IChoices, _Max, Choices, IChoicesActual, ThisElement) :-
  IChoicesActual = Ichoices,
  pick_one(Choices, Choice),
  ThisElement = Choice,
  solve(Rows, Cols, SubSquares, 1, 1, 1, 0),
solve_1(Rows, Cols, SubSquares, IRow, ICol, IChoices, Max, _Choices, IChoicesActual, _) :-
  ICol_1 = ICol + 1,
  max(Max, IChoicesActual, MaxNew),
  solve(Rows, Cols, SubSquares, IRow, ICol_1, IChoices, MaxNew).
max(A, B, A) :-
  A > B,
max(_, B, B).
pick_one([I|_], I).

pick_one([_|Rest], I) :-
  pick_one(Rest, I).
element_at([Elem|_], 1, Elem) :- !.

element_at([_|Rest], N, Elem) :-
  Nm1 = N - 1,
  element_at(Rest, Nm1, Elem).
/* Find the sub-square for element IRow, ICol */
sub_square_index(IRow, ICol, ISubSquare) :-
  ISubSquare = 1 + ((IRow - 1) div 3) * 3 + (ICol - 1) div 3 .
/* find_choices: Find the possible choices for this location */
find_choices(Row, Col, SubSquare, Choices) :-
  find_rest_choices(Row, Col, SubSquare, 1, Choices).
find_rest_choices(_, _, _, I, []) :-
  I > 9,

find_rest_choices(Row, Col, SubSquare, I, [I|Rest]) :-
  not(bound_member(I, Row)),
  not(bound_member(I, Col)),
  not(bound_member(I, SubSquare)),
  I1 = I + 1,
  find_rest_choices(Row, Col, SubSquare, I1, Rest).
find_rest_choices(Row, Col, SubSquare, I, Rest) :-
  I1 = I + 1,
  find_rest_choices(Row, Col, SubSquare, I1, Rest).
/* Does the list contain this number already? */

bound_member(I, [I1|_]) :-
  I = I1,
bound_member(I, [_|Rest]) :-
  bound_member(I, Rest).        
len([], 0) :- !.

len([_|Rest], I1) :-
  len(Rest, I),
  I1 = I + 1.
matrix_all_bound([]) :- !.

matrix_all_bound([List|More]) :-
list_all_bound([]) :- !.

list_all_bound([H|T]) :-