Jalog 1.4

Class Pro_TermData_String_simple

  extended by io.github.JalogTeam.jalog.Pro_TermData
      extended by io.github.JalogTeam.jalog.Pro_TermData_String
          extended by io.github.JalogTeam.jalog.Pro_TermData_String_simple

public class Pro_TermData_String_simple

Note: Don't use this class unless you need some operations or fields that the class Pro_Term does not provide.

This class is one of the classes that can represent string constants.

Field Summary
static Pro_TermData_String_simple empty
           The empty string
Method Summary
static Pro_TermData_String make(String iniVal)
           Creates a string constant.

Field Detail


public static Pro_TermData_String_simple empty
The empty string.

Method Detail


public static Pro_TermData_String make(String iniVal)

Creates a string constant.

If iniVal is an empty string Pro_TermData_String_simple.empty is returned, otherwise a new object is created.

iniVal - the first string
Jalog object representing the string iniVal.

Authors: Mikko Levanto, Ari Okkonen