Jalog uses UTF-8 character set. ASCII character set is sufficient for writing a program.
Whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines and comments) are allowed between tokens but not within tokens. However whitespace in strings is part of the token and not considered whitespace.
Everything between character combinations "/*" and "*/" is considered comment.
/* This is comment */
End-line comments start with percent sign "%". Everything after it until the end of line is considered a comment.
write("This is program"), % This is comment
Each token is either a simple token or of one of the following types: INT, REAL, CHAR, STRING, NAME, VARIABLE_NAME, and EOF.
COMMA | , |
IFSYM | :- |
POINT | . |
EQ | = |
STAR | * |
MINUS | - |
LPAR | ( |
RPAR | ) |
NE | <> |
GT | > |
GE | >= |
LT | < |
LE | <= |
PLUS | + |
SLASH | / |
LBRAK | [ |
RBRAK | ] |
CUT | ! |
VBAR | | |
OPEN | _ |
Integer literal. A decimal literal consist of digits "0
A hexadecimal literals start with "$
" or "0x
" followed by hexadecimal digits
" and "a
" (upper-case is also allowed). The range of allowed
values is 0...2147483647 or $0...$7FFFFFFF.
0 42 2147483647 $0 0x2a $7FFFffff
Floating point literal. A floating-point literal starts with decimal digits
followed by fraction part or exponent part or both. Fraction part consits of
point followed by one or more digits. Exponent part starts with "e
" or "E
followed by an optional "+
" or "-
" sign and decimal digits. The largest
positive finite literal is 1.7976931348623157e308.
0.0 4.94065645841247e-324 6.62607004E-34 0.5 2.718281828459045 3.141592653589793 42.0 9.4605284E15 1.7976931348623157e308
Character literal. A character literal starts and ends with an apostrophe "'
Between the apostrophes is an ordinary character (printable character other than
" or "\
") or an escape sequence.
Image | Explanation |
Control character Bell (0x07) |
Control character backspace (0x08) |
Control character tab (0x09) |
Control character line feed (0x0A), used as line separator |
Control character vertical tabulator (0x0B) |
Control character form feed (0x0C) |
Control character carriage return (0x0D) |
Control character escape (0x1B) |
\x hh
Character represented by the two digit hexadecimal number hh |
\u hhhh
Character represented by the four digit hexadecimal number hhhh |
\U hhhhhhhh
Character represented by the eight digit hexadecimal number hhhhhhhh |
\ ddd
Character represented by the three digit decimal number ddd |
Backslash \
Apostrophe '
Quote "
A char variable can contain a 16 bit value, so values from '\u0000' to '\uFFFF' are available. Values starting from '\U00010000' cannot be stored in char variables but can be used in strings.
Caaracters are coded in Unicode. For code charts see e.g. Unicode Character Code Charts.
' ' '\n' '\'' 'a' '\x07' '\176' '\u0110'
String literal. A string literal starts and ends with a quote ""
". Between the quotes is an (possible empty) sequence of characters. The characters in a string are represented in the same way as in a char literal (except a quote must be represented using an escape sequence "\"
", and an apostrophe does not need escaping). Characters in range '\U00010000' .. '\U0010FFFF' are stored as two surrogate characters.
Strings can be broken to several string literals, which may be separated by whitespace.
"" "a" "He said \"Hello world.\"" "The better angel is a man right fair,\nThe worser spirit a woman color'd ill." "Shall we see again? \U0001F642"
Names can be used as data values, functors for compound data, and predicate names.
A name must start with a lower-case letter "a
". The other characters can be lower-case or upper-case letters, digits, or underscores "_
". Some names are reserved for library predicates, functions, or operators.
x master isValid is_valid find_2nd_best
A variable name must start with a upper-case letter "A
" or an underscore "_
". The other characters can be lower-case or upper-case letters, digits, or underscores.
A special case is the one-character variable name "_
". Unlike other variable names each occurrence of it refers to a separate dummy variable.
Recommended uses:
_ X Index TotalCount _result Row_number BestOf3
Physical end-of-file.
NOTE: The main differences to other Prolog syntaxes:
operator. Equal sign =
is used to store the value of an expression
to a variable.
Backus-Naur form is used here to present the syntax. Names in CAPITAL
letters refer to tokens.
<program> ::= <program> <clause> | EOF <clause> ::= <sentence> POINT <sentence> ::= IFSYM <body> | <head> | <head> IFSYM <body> <head> ::= <structure> <body> ::= <formula> | <body> COMMA <formula> <formula> ::= <addend> | <addend> EQ <addend> | <addend> NE <addend> | <addend> GT <addend> | <addend> GE <addend> | <addend> LT <addend> | <addend> LE <addend> <addend> ::= PLUS <factor> | MINUS <factor> | <factor> | <addend> PLUS <factor> | <addend> MINUS <factor> <factor> ::= <primary> | <factor> STAR <primary> | <factor> SLASH <primary> <primary> ::= VARIABLE_NAME | OPEN | INT | REAL | CHAR | CUT | LPAR <sentence> RPAR | <string> | <list> | <structure> <string> ::= STRING | <string> STRING <list> ::= LBRAK RBRAK | LBRAK <elements> VBAR <formula> RBRAK | LBRAK <elements> RBRAK <elements> ::= <formula> | <elements> COMMA <formula> <structure> ::= NAME LPAR RPAR | NAME LPAR <arguments> RPAR | NAME <arguments> ::= <formula> | <arguments> COMMA <formula>
For general idea read a short Wikipedia article Prolog syntax and semantics.
The differences between traditional Prolog and Jalog can be broadly divided into these categories:
unifies left and right side expressions.=
sign is used or a predicate is called.