Jalog 1.1

Class Jalog

  extended by io.github.JalogTeam.jalog.Jalog

public class Jalog

Class Jalog represents the Prolog subsystem. Before running the Prolog program the Prolog subsystem is instantiated. Then the program is consulted from a file, a resource, or an array of strings. Running the system can consist of several calls. Each call is preceded by construction of input and output data structures. Then the instantiated system is used to run the program. The run call should be within a try-catch structure, because it can throw an exception. If the call succeeds, the results are recovered from the Prolog data structures. Finally the subsystem is disposed.

Typical calling pattern:

  static Jalog myJalog = new Jalog();
  /* for each call */
    /* construct data structures, e.g.: */
      Jalog.Term count = Jalog.integer(7);
      Jalog.Term answer = Jalog.open();
    /* call the predicate */
      try {
        if (myJalog.call("predicate", count, answer))
        { /* success */
          if (answer.getType() == Jalog.INTEGER) {
            /* answer of expected type got */
            long result = answer.getIntegerValue();
          } else {
            /* wrong type, should not occur */
        } else {
          /* predicate failed */
      } catch (Jalog.Exit e) { 
        /* exception */
  /* when everything is done */    

Nested Class Summary
static class Jalog.Term
           All data processed and produced by Jalog is of this class.
static class Jalog.Exit
           Exception to be raised when exit predicate is executed.
Field Summary
static String CHARACTER
           Code for character variable.
static String COMPOUND
           Code for compound variable.
static String INTEGER
           Code for integer variable.
static String LIST
           Code for list variable.
static String OPEN
           Code for open variable.
static String REAL
          C ode for real variable.
static String STRING
           Code for string variable.
static String SYMBOL
           Code for symbol variable.
Constructor Summary
           Constructs a Jalog engine instance.
Method Summary
 static boolean call(String predname, Jalog.Term ... args)
           Calls a predicate defined in the consulted file.
 static Jalog.Term character(char c)
           Creates a new character term with value c.
 static Jalog.Term compound(String name, Jalog.Term[] arguments)
           Creates a new compound term with functor name name and components from arguments array. If the arguments array is empty, the result is of type symbol.
 static void consult_data_file(String filename, String[] filter)
           Consults (reads) facts from a file.
 static void consult_data_stringlist(String[] lines, String[] filter, String name)
           Consults (reads) facts from an array of strings.
 static void consult_file(String filename)
           Consults (reads and compiles) a Prolog source file.
 static void consult_stringlist(String[] lines, String name)
           Consults (compiles) Prolog source from an array of strings.
 static void dispose()
           Clears the database of program and data..
 static String get_consult_dir()
           Returns current consult directory.
 static Jalog.Term integer(long i)
           Creates a new integer term with value i.
 static Jalog.Term list(Jalog.Term[] elements)
           Creates a new list term populated with items from elements
  static Jalog.Term open()
           Creates a new open variable.
 static Jalog.Term real(double r)
           Creates a new real term with value r.
 static void set_comline_arg (String option, String argument)
           Defines a command-line argument for the Jalog program.
 static void set_consult_dir(String dirname)
           Sets current consult directory.
 static Jalog.Term string(String s)
           Creates a new string term with value s.
 static Jalog.Term symbol(String name)
           Creates a new symbol term with value name.

Field Detail


public static final String OPEN = "open"
Code for open variable.


public static final String INTEGER = "integer"
Code for integer variable.


public static final String SYMBOL = "symbol"
Code for symbol variable.


public static final String REAL = "real"
Code for real variable.


public static final String CHARACTER = "character"
Code for character variable.


public static final String STRING = "string"
Code for string variable.


public static final String LIST = "list"
Code for list variable.


public static final String COMPOUND = "compound"
Code for compound variable.

Constructor Detail


public Jalog()
Constructs a Jalog inference engine. Limitation: Only one engine can exist at any time. After usage it must be disposed of using the dispose method.

Error - if a Jalog inference engine already exists.
See Also:
Method Detail


public static Jalog.Term open()
Creates a new open variable.

the new open variable.


public static Jalog.Term integer(long i)
Creates a new integer term with value i.

i - the value of the new integer.
an integer term.


public static Jalog.Term symbol(String name)
Creates a new symbol term with value name.

name - the value of the new symbol.
a symbol term.


public static Jalog.Term real(double r)
Creates a new real term with value r.

r - the value of the new real.
a real term.


public static Jalog.Term character(char c)
Creates a new character term with value c.

c - the value of the new character.
a character term.


public static Jalog.Term string(String s)
Creates a new string term with value s.

s - the value of the new string.
a string term.


public static Jalog.Term list(Jalog.Term[] elements)
Creates a new list term populated with items from elements array.

elements - the items of the new list.
a list term.


public static Jalog.Term compound(String name, Jalog.Term[] arguments)
Creates a new compound term with functor name name and components from arguments array. If the arguments array is empty, the result is of type symbol.

name - the functor of the new compound.
arguments - the components of the new compound.
a compound term.


public static void consult_file(String filename)
Consults (reads and compiles) a Prolog source file.

filename - the name of the Prolog source file.


public static void consult_stringlist(String[] lines, String name)
Consults (compiles) Prolog source from an array of strings.

lines - Prolog source lines.
name - comment for error messages.


public static void consult_data_file(String filename, String[] filter)
Consults (reads) facts from a file. Only facts specified in the filter are consulted. Filter is an array of strings, each containing a predicate indicator in form name/arity .

filename - the name of the Prolog source lines.
filter - predicate indicators.
consult_data_file("data.pro", new String[]{"cars/4", "houses/2"});


public static void consult_data_stringlist(String[] lines, String[] filter, String name)
Consults facts from an array of strings. Only facts specified in the filter are consulted. Filter is an array of strings, each containing a predicate indicator in form name/arity .

lines - the name of the Prolog source lines.
filter - predicate indicators.
name - comment for error messages.
String[] things = {
  "cars(\"Volvo\", 17, 88, 36).",
  "cars(\"Opel\", 5, 42, 150).",
  "houses(\"Home\", 128000)."
consult_data_stringlist(things, new String[]{"cars/4", "houses/2"}, "things");


public static void set_consult_dir(String dirname)
Sets current consult directory, i.e. default directory for consult operations.

dirname - the name of the consult directory.


public static String get_consult_dir()
Returns current consult directory, i.e. default directory for consult operations. The directory name is absolute and always begins with "file:" or "res:". It can be used as an argument to set_consult_dir .

the name of the current consult directory.


public static void set_comline_arg(String option, String argument)
Defines a command-line argument.

option - the name of the option.
argument - the value of the option.
To emulate the following command line arguments
  -foo=bar -up report.txt
the calls
  set_comline_arg("foo", "bar");
  set_comline_arg("up", "");
  set_comline_arg("", "report.txt");
store the following facts to the Jalog database
  comline_arg(1, "foo", "bar").
  comline_arg(2, "up", "").
  comline_arg(3, "", "report.txt").


public static void dispose()
Clears the Prolog program, its data and the inference engine from the memory. Allows creating a new inference engine for another purpose.


public static boolean call(String predname, Jalog.Term ... args)
Calls a predicate defined in the consulted file.

predname - the name of the predicate to be called.
args - the arguments for the predicate.
true if the predicate succeeds, false if the predicate fails.
Jalog.Exit - when the program executes an exit predicate.
Other Detail


Directory names can refer to directories either in the file system or in the resource system. In order to specifically refer to the file system prepend the name with "file:". In order to refer to a directory in the resource system prepend the name with "res:". If neither is specified and the dirname is an absolute path it refers to the file system. A relative path refers to a subdirectory of the current consult directory.
"file:C:/data" - refers to the data directory at the root of the C disk.
"res:lib/routes" - refers to a resource directory.
"sub" - refers to the subdirectory sub of the current directory.


File names can refer either to files in the file system or to resources of the jar package. In order to specifically refer to the file system prepend the name with "file:". In order to refer to a resource in the resource system prepend the name with "res:". If neither is specified and the filename is an absolute path it refers to the file system. A relative path refers to a file or resource in the current consult directory.
"file:C:/data/trees.pro" - refers to a file in the file system.
"res:parameters.pro" - refers to a resource in the resource system.
"rules.pro" - refers to a file or a resource in the current directory.

Authors: Mikko Levanto, Ari Okkonen